Budget estimation of a RAP for Setrag – Gabon

Budget estimation of a RAP for Setrag – Gabon

Recent and ongoing projects Budget estimation of the future RAP Client : Setrag (Eramet Group) Region / Country: Africa | Gabon Sectors: Mining Services: Social management Client category: Private & public companies Mission: On the basis of an exhaustive census of...
ESIA for Vale – Liberia

ESIA for Vale – Liberia

Recent and ongoing projects Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Client : SNC Lavalin (for a Vale group mining project) Region / Country: Africa | Liberia Sectors: Infrastructure | Mining Services: Social management | Studies Client category: Consulting firms | Private...
Social Management Plan for Eramet – Gabon

Social Management Plan for Eramet – Gabon

Recent and ongoing projects Social Management Plan Client : Maboumine (Eramet Group) Region / Country: Africa | Gabon Sectors: Mining Services: Studies | Social management Client category: Private & public companies Mission: To carry out a study on the people and...
Influx management plan for Bhp-Newmont – Guinea

Influx management plan for Bhp-Newmont – Guinea

Recent and ongoing projects Influx Management Strategic Framework and Plan Client : SMFG (BHP-Newmont Group) Region / Country: Africa | Guinea Sectors: Mining Services: Social management Client category: Private & public companies Mission: To provide comprehensive...
RAP for SAG – Guinea

RAP for SAG – Guinea

Recent and ongoing projects Resettlement and Compensation Action Plan Client : SAG (Anglogold Ashanti Group) Region / Country: Africa | Guinea Sectors: Mining Services: Social management Client category: Private & public companies Mission: To provide a detailed...