Recent and ongoing projects
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (EASE) to the Bogotá Development Plan – Colombia
Recent and ongoing projects Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (EASE) to the Bogota Development Plan 2020- 2024 Client: AFD - French Development Agency Mission: The French Development Agency (AFD) is planning to grant a loan to the city of Bogota. In this...
Design and implementation of training cycle in gender – Colombia
Recent and ongoing projects Design, structuring and implementation of a training cycle on gender equality and parity, diversity and inclusion with actors linked to the Thermal Districts project in Colombia - Phase II Client: ONUDI - United Nations Industrial...
Environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) of a new underground mine – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) of a new underground mine in GuineaClient: Société des Mines de Dinguiraye (SMD) Mission: The objective of this project was to assist Dinguiraye Mining Society (SMD) preparing an...
Institutional capacity assessment in environmental and social management – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Institutional capacity assessment in environmental and social management in Guinea Client: World Bank for the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Guinea Mission: The mission assessed the level of preparedness and...
Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for PROMOGEF – Senegal
Recent and ongoing projects Preparation of an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the Programme de Modernisation de la Gestion Foncière in Senegal (PROMOGEF) Client: Direction Générale des Impôts et Domaines du Sénégal (DGID) under the funding of...
Territorial diagnosis and governance structure of Mount Gangan – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Support for a concerted territorial diagnosis and the implementation of a governance system for Mount Gangan - Kindia, Guinea Client : Enabel Mission: The general objective of the study was to initiate dialogue between the stakeholders of...
Technical assistance in sectors study for SAHANALA – Madagascar
Recent and ongoing projects Technical assistance for the realization of a study of the lobster, fish, cicada and octopus sectors as well as their development potential in the Loky Manambato Marine Protected Area (MPA) Client: SAHANALA SARL Mission: The mission...
Atlas and maritime diagnosis of the Menabe region for USAID – Madagascar
Recent and ongoing projects Elaboration of the Maritime Atlas and the maritime diagnosis of the Menabe Region - MadagascarClient: USAID / University of Rhode Island Mission: The mission consisted in elaborating the regional maritime atlas and establishing the maritime...
Support and advice for the project « Dignified housing for all ! » for COTA – Madagascar
Recent and ongoing projects Support and advice for the project « Dignified housing for all! - Improvement of housing conditions and citizen mobilization in the neighborhoods/slums of Antananarivo in Madagascar » Client: Collectif d’échanges pour la Technologie...
Study on migration and management of market spaces – Madagascar
Recent and ongoing projects Study on migration and management of market spaces in the urban and peri-urban area of the Commune Urbaine d’Antananarivo (CUA)Client : International Organization for Migration (IOM) / Commune Urbaine d’Antananarivo (CUA) Mission: The...
Environmental and social gap analysis for TotalEnergies – Mozambique
Recent and ongoing projects Environmental and social gap analysis of Mphanda Nkuwa Hydraulic Project, Tete, MozambiqueClient: TotalEnergies Renewables Mission: The mission consisted in conducting a gap analysis of the Terms of Reference (TOR) established in 2022 and...
Preliminary socio-economic studies for Expertise France – Haiti
Recent and ongoing projects Socio-economic studies for the rehabilitation of the Jérémie market and the construction of Market II in Les Cayes for Expertise France Client: Expertise France, with Urbayiti funding Mission: The "Urbayiti - Urban Governance and Resilient...
Capitalization of the FORSNUT project on community-based organizations (CBO) in the promotion of good health practices – Haïti
Recent and ongoing projects Capitalization of the FORSNUT (Strengthening the health system and actors in the North-West due to malnutrition) project on community-based organizations (CBO) in the promotion of good health practices - Haïti Client: Initiative...
Feasibility study of a program for strengthening gender equality in governance for AFD – Haiti
Recent and ongoing projects Feasibility study of the « Poto Mitan » program for strengthening gender equality in governance in HaitiClient:Unite Caribbean for the French Development Agency (AFD) Mission: The KNFP (Konsèy Nasyonal Finansman Popilè) and the CCFD-Terre...
Workshop: Gender Equity and Equality for the HVAC/R and Thermal Energy Sector – Colombia
Recent and ongoing projectsWorkshop: Gender Equity and Equality for the HVAC/R and Thermal Energy Sector Client: ACAIRE - Colombian Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mission:Insuco a organisé un atelier sur l'égalité et l'équité entre les sexes,...
Needs assessment, methodology design and support for Boca Chica entrepreneurs – Dominican Republic
Recent and ongoing projects Needs assessment, methodology design and support for Boca Chica entrepreneurs - Dominican Republic Client:the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission: As part of the project "Inclusive Cities, Communities of Solidarity", the...
Advisory service for the update of the National Risk Management Plan – Dominican Republic
Recent and ongoing projects Advisory service for the update of the National Risk Management Plan - Dominican RepublicClients :The Organisaton of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the Environment Programme and IWEco Mission:...
Capacity-building on the mining sector revenues allocations – Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) – Ecuador
Recent and ongoing projects Capacity-building project focused on the mining sector revenues allocations as per EITI requirement number five Client: United Kingdom ambassy in Ecuador Mission: INSUCO, under the auspices of the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Ecuador,...
Review of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for AFD – Uzbekistan
Recent and ongoing projects Review of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Simplified Master Plan and the Feasibility Study for the Upgrade and Extension of Drinking Water Supply Systems in Tashkent Region - UzbekistanClient: French...
Review of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, the Livelihood Restauration Plan, and the Risks and Disaster Management Plan for AFD – India
Recent and ongoing projects Review of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), the Livelihood Restauration Plan, and the Risks and the Disaster Management Plan for the project “Our Neighbourhood is Your Neighbourhood Too - A Participatory Planning...
Review of the Environmental and Social Impact Study for AFD – Sri Lanka
Recent and ongoing projects Review of the Environmental and Social Impact Study (ESIA) of fishing ports for AFD – Sri LankaClient:French Development Agency Mission: Following a request from the Government of Sri Lanka to AFD for funding in the fisheries sector, a...
Review of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment for AFD – Bangladesh
Recent and ongoing projects Review of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment for The Bangladesh Power System Enhancement and Efficiency Improvement project in Sonagazi and Gangachara areas, for AFD - Bangladesh Client: French Development...
Elaboration of ToR for gender and E&S technical assistance for the Keyal Khwar Hydroelectric Dam Project – Pakistan
Recent and ongoing projects Elaboration of ToR for gender and E&S technical assistance for the Keyal Khwar Hydroelectric Dam Project for AFD - Pakistan Client: French Development Agency Mission: Pakistan ranks 151st in the Global Gender Gap Index 2020, out of 153...
ESIA and RAP of Banten Province Wind Farm Project – Indonesia
Recent and ongoing projects Feasibility study (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment - ESIA) of the implementation of the Banten Wind Farm (200 MW) on Java Island and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)Client: French Development Agency (AFD) Mission: The Government of...
Review of the ESMP of an Hydroelectric Dam Project – Pakistan
Recent and ongoing projects Review of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and the Monitoring Plan of the Keyal Khwar Hydroelectric Dam ProjectClient: French Development Agency (AFD) Mission: Keyal Kwar HHP is one of the most important hydropower...
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