Recent and ongoing projects
Evaluation of the response program to the humanitarian crisis of Venezuelan migrants for Caritas – Peru
Recent and ongoing projects Evaluation of the emergency response program to the humanitarian crisis of Venezuelan migrants in PeruClient : Caritas Mission: Peru is the second country, after Colombia, to have received the most Venezuelan migrants in the last three...
Legal review of the Goubet wind farm project for ERM – Djibouti
Recent and ongoing projects Legal review for the Goubet wind farm project Client : ERM Mission: Within the framework of the Goubet wind farm project, Insuco was mandated by ERM to carry out a legal review on several themes (labour, health, safety, environment) in...
Evaluation of the DRR Capacity Building Project for Plan International – Haiti
Recent and ongoing projects Final evaluation of the project Strengthening schools and communities’ capacities in terms of disaster resilience Client : Plan International Mission: Plan International is a sponsoring NGO that has been working in Haiti for over 40 years....
Baseline studies of the Porto Novo Green City project for the Porto Novo City Council – Benin
Recent and ongoing projects Realization of the socio-economic, environmental and anthropological baseline studies of the Project "Porto-Novo, Green City" Client : City Council of Porto Novo, project financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) Mission: Benin firmed...
Territorial dialogue in the context of COVID-19 for the MME – Colombia
Recent and ongoing projects Promotion and support of territorial dialogue in the context of the COVID-19 health crisisClient : Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) of Colombia Mission: The spread of COVID-19 has confronted us, internationally, with an unprecedented...
Study on ZIPs’ enclaves of the PNMB for the WCF – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Realization of a study for the Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) to identify measures and conditions for the sustainable management of the villages located in the Integrally Protected Zone (IPZ) of the Middle Bafing National Park (MBNP)...
AGG’s Kobada Project ESIA Update for ABS Africa – Mali
Recent and ongoing projects Update of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the Kobada gold project operated by African Gold Group (AGG) in Mali on behalf of ABS Africa Client : ABS Africa for AGG Mission: In order to renew the environmental permit...
Sub-regional scoping study, capacity building and GIS tool for the UNCDF – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Scoping study prior to the organization of the sub-regional workshop of the Chamber of Mines in Guinea’s Capacity Building Project (RCCMG), development and spread of an interactive map (GIS) and development of a capacity building plan for...
Gap Analysis of the LRP for the SMM – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Gap Analysis of Livelihood Restoration Plan implementation process of Tri-K gold mining Project of the Société des Mines de Mandiana Client : Société des Mines de Mandiana (Managem Group) Mission: Tri-K project is a gold mining project in...
Gap analysis, ESAP and ESIA for ABS/Sycamore – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Gap analysis, Environmental and Social Action Plan and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Kiniero Gold Mine Project Client : ABS Africa on behalf of Sycamore Mining LTD Mission: After several years of mining shutdown,...
Update of the social baseline study of the SMFG mining project – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Scoping study and update of the social baseline study for the SMFG's Nimba Mountains mining project Client : Société des Mines de Fer de Guinée Mission: The mission consisted in realizing a scoping study and then in updating the baseline...
Updating of social management plans for the SMM – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Study on gold panning and elaboration of a management plan, studies of migration flows and elaboration of the migration management plan, update of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEPP), elaboration of the security plan and the cultural...
SEA of infrastructures on the Guinean coastal zone for PRCM/BGEEE – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of infrastructure in the coastal and marine zone of Guinea from the Kapatchez Delta to the Tristao Islands Client : Regional Partnership for the Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Zone in West...
Socio-economic study for the LRP of SMM mining project – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Socio-economic study for the implementation of the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) of Tri-K gold mining project of the Société des Mines de Mandiana (SMM) Client : Société des Mines de Mandiana (SMM) / Managem Group Mission: The Tri-K...
ESMFP for an Education Program for the AFD – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Environmental and Social Management Framework Plan for the Ten-year Education Programme of Guinea (ProDeG) Client : French Development Agency (AFD) Mission: Guinea's Ten-Year Education Programme (ProDeG), which covers the period 2020-2030,...
SIA for an urban infrastructure project for Setec Organisation – Chad
Recent and ongoing projects Realization of the social component of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment study (ESIA) as part of the architectural programming and project management support mission for an urban infrastructure project Client : Setec...
Review of the RPF of the CBG extension project – Guinea
Recent and ongoing projects Review of the land acquisition, compensation and resettlement policy framework of the CBG’s mining project Client : Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) Mission: Since the early 1960s, CBG has been exploiting a large bauxite plateau in...
Diagnosis and participatory system of water management for UDUMA – Burkina Faso
Recent and ongoing projects Diagnosis of the willingness to pay for water and development of a stakeholder mapping, a Stakeholder Engagement Plan, a communication plan and a participatory mechanism for the relaunch of the project for the sustainable management of...
Diagnosis of gold panning for Teranga Gold Corporation – Burkina Faso
Projets récents ou en coursDiagnostic de la pratique de l’orpaillage sur les sites miniers de Wahgnion Gold Operations et Golden Hill du Groupe Teranga Gold CorporationClient : Teranga Gold CorporationMission :Insuco a été mandaté afin de réaliser un diagnostic...
Impact study of the Atinkou thermal power plant – Ivory Coast
Recent and ongoing projects Impact study of the intake and discharge of water from the thermal power plant on fishing activity and fishermen of Taboth – CIPREL 5Client : ATINKOU S.A. Mission: This sociological study began with a delineation of the banks controlled by...
ESIA and RAP of the Fada RHC for Ellipse Projects – Burkina Faso
Recent and ongoing projects Elaboration of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) of the construction project of the Regional Hospital Center (RHC) of Fada N'Gourma Client : Ellipse Projects Mission: The...
ESIN of the Zano and Souri solar power plants for ERM – Burkina Faso
Projets récents ou en coursRéalisation de deux Notices d’Impact Environnemental et Social (NIES) pour les centrales solaires photovoltaïques de Zano et Souri Client : ERM Mission :Insuco a conduit le cadrage de l’étude, a participé à la production des Termes de...
Study of land prices for CIPREL – Ivory Coast
Recent and ongoing projects Study of agricultural land prices in the area of the Jacqueville town in Ivory Coast Client : Compagnie Ivoirienne de Production d’Electricité (CIPREL) – Eranove Group Mission: The Eranove group plans to build a thermal power plant with a...
Land and crop market Study for Tullow Oil – Ivory Coast
Recent and ongoing projects Land and crop market study for the establishment of the compensation matrix for three petroleum exploration licenses Client : Tullow Oil Mission: The Tullow Group has offshore oil production interests in Ivory Coast in the undeveloped...
Feasibility study for the IRAM – Burkina Faso
Recent and ongoing projects Feasibility study of the project of support to decentralization processes and local authorities (PADCT)Client : Institute for Research and Application of Development Methods (IRAM) Mission: Insuco has been asked by AFD, in collaboration...
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