Recent and ongoing projects
Development of the IsDB E&S Priority Standards and Related Specific Templates – Saudi Arabia
Support for Colombian Natural Resources in the Individual Resettlement Process of the El Hatillo Community – Colombia
Strengthening multi-stakeholder dialogue spaces for the Alto Occidente Caldense – Colombia
Technical Assistance in Agroforestry and Water Management Projects in Rural Areas – Colombia
Development of a Stakeholder Engagement Framework (SEF) and Resettlement Framework (RF) for an affordable housing public-private partnership (PPP) project – Cambodia
Support for human rights impact assessment of the vetiver value chain – Haiti
Development of the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) for the Haitian rum company Barbancourt, in compliance with IDB standards – Haiti
Capacity-building need assessment of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Persons with disabilities’ Organizations (DPOs) as part of the Vil Nou Pi Bél project – Haiti
Training in project follow up with CSO – Djibouti
Development of the ESMF for the ADIL 2 Project – Djibouti
The first phase of the Support for Decentralisation and Local Initiatives Project in the Republic of Djibouti (ADIL) (2020-2024) aimed to implement activities to promote decentralisation, strengthen governance, and support local development.
Assessment of the national environmental and social management system – Ivory Coast
Operations Assistant at ONEAD – Djibouti
Survey on the income of Djiboutian households for the European Commission – Djibouti
Procedure Notes on Resettlement for Global Alumina Corporation – Guinea
Technical assistance and audit of PRMS progress for Global Alumina Corporation – Guinea
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) for the three Regional Development Plans of the Maldives – Maldives
The Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure is currently implementing the Maldives Urban Development and Resilience Project (MUDRP), which among other objectives aims to develop three Regional Development Plans that will increase regional competition,...
Feasibility Study for a REDD+ Carbon Reduction and Removal Project in Cambodia, targeting the PLANVIVO Standard – Cambodia
Across twelve countries, UNDP are implementing the Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans (SCALA) programme. The SCALA Programme supports government ministries and related...
Social impact analysis for the design of the Ngoc Hoi Railway Station Complex – Vietnam
The World Bank is supporting the Hanoi Department of Transport (DOT) to develop the Ngoc Hoi railway station complex, which aims to provide and/or improve a range of transport services including high-speed rail and regional and urban railway systems. The chosen...
Stakeholder Engagement Plan for a Solar Project – Djibouti
Implementation of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the French Development Agency – Ethiopia
Review of the application of social and environmental safeguards for REDD+ Early Movers – Ecuador
Support to government institutions in the energy sector integrating the gender perspective – Ecuador
Update of the Social Baseline Study and Development of the Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) and Health and Safety Plan for the Loma Larga Mining Project – Ecuador
Preliminary study of the sectoral diagnosis and public policy recommendations on the protection and sustainable management of marine and coastal areas – Ecuador
Tips for developing the methodology for collecting information from people in situations of human mobility – Ecuador
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