Recent and ongoing projects
Updating of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and realization of a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for the Second Electricity Interconnection Line Project between Ethiopia and Djibouti.

In order to alleviate the current congestion and voltage problems of the existing interconnection line between Djibouti and Ethiopia, and to increase its electricity production, EDD on the Djibouti side and EEP (Ethiopian Electric Power) on the Ethiopian side are aiming to build a second interconnection line. This second interconnection line will run between Semera (Ethiopia) and Nagad (Djibouti), a total length of 292 km. An initial environmental and social impact study was carried out in 2017 by the firm PACE. In order to update the existing study and bring it into line with the international standards of the African Development Bank and the World Bank, Insuco was commissioned to produce a new study. Insuco only took charge of the Djibouti side, i.e. 190 km of line.
- Environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA)
- Environmental and social management plan (ESMP)
- Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF)
- A stakeholder mobilization plan (PEPP)
- An action plan against gender-based violence
- A workforce management manual