Recent and ongoing projects
Update of the ESIA and its associated management plans, plus the creation of a BMP, for the 2nd Ethiopia-Djibouti power interconnection project
Client : Electricité de Djibouti (EDD)

As part of the 2nd Ethiopia-Djibouti Interconnection Project, Electricité de Djibouti (EDD) has received funding from the World Bank and the African Development Bank for the installation of a290km high voltage double circuit line connecting Semera (Ethiopia) and Nagad (Djibouti). An ESIA had been completed in 2017 and Insuco was commissioned by the ESD to update it and bring it up to international standards in 2020. In 2021, Insuco was again commissioned to update the ESIA/ESMP and associated management plans and to produce a Biodiversity Management Plan.
The following deliverables were handed over to the client:
- Update of the ESIA and ESMP
- Prepare a biodiversity management plan
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