Recent and ongoing projects
Elaboration of the terms of reference for the feasibility, pre-programming and support for the infrastructure component of the Institut de Formation aux Métiers de l'Enseignement (IFME) of the Molakisi Telema project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the Setec design office on behalf of the French Development Agency (AFD).

As part of IFME’s feasibility and pre-programming of the Molakisi Telema project, which means “Teachers on their feet” in Lingala, the overall aim is to contribute to strengthening the professionalization of teachers and the attractiveness of the teaching profession in the basic education cycle in the DRC. Financed by a 10 M EUR grant from AFD and scheduled to run for 5 years over the period 2022-2026, this project is structured around the following 3 components:
- Component 1: support for the preparation of the reform of initial training at central level
- Component 2: support for the operationalization of a pilot IFME model at provincial level
- Component 3: support for project management and steering.
In phase B of the pre-programming study, the project called for the drafting of terms of reference (TDRs) or specifications or a technical description of the services expected from the service provider in charge of the ESIA and ESMS.
Insuco was commissioned to draw up the ToRs.
The purpose of the Terms of Reference for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment was to guide candidates in their response to the Call for Tenders corresponding to the carrying out of the said study. They were formulated in such a way as to emphasize the need to optimize the design of the Project and to detail the E & S risk management measures for each implementation phase.
The assignment resulted in the submission of the following deliverables:
- Specifications or technical description of expected services;
- Note describing the skills required and expected.