Recent and ongoing projects
Support in social engineering, design and participatory use of species and public facilities and income-generating activities in the context of capacity building for the Sô Ava town hall and the ANPT for the Reinventing the Ganvié lake city project
Client : National Agency for Heritage Promotion and Tourism Development (ANPT)
Sectors: Tourism & Hotel Development
Services: Social management
Client category: Public institutions

The main objective of the mission was to support the National Agency for Heritage Promotion and Tourism Development (ANPT), the project’s executing agency, and the Sô Ava town hall, whose territory represents the project’s main intervention zone, in its proper implementation. The objective was to promote the handover between the ANPT and the town hall to ensure the sustainability of the project’s effects. This involved in particular :
- Strengthen the skills of the mayor’s office to ensure the sustainability of the project and its appropriation by the population;
- Strengthen the capacities of the ANPT and the mayor’s office in the management of environmental and social impacts and ensure a follow-up of this management within the framework of the implementation of the project;
- Support the development of tourism and alternative income-generating activities in the city of Ganvié.
The consortium provided the following services and deliverables:
- A scoping report to refine the proposed methodology, present the stakeholder mapping and propose a timeline for the first year of technical assistance;
- Monitoring tools that include each of the activities and recommendations included in the existing plans, broken down by activity and specifying for each: the expected result, the risks involved, the periods and places of implementation, the people involved, etc.
- An interim plan presenting the current situation
- A support plan for the beneficiary structures in the three areas concerned, i.e., environmental and social risk management, the establishment of a consultation framework and support for tourism development
- Training in environmental and social protection
- Quarterly reports presenting the technical support provided by the experts, the difficulties encountered and the recommended solutions.
- 3 participatory monitoring and steering workshops to assess the year in terms of support provided and adjustments to be made if necessary for the following year.
- A final report of the technical assistance which will include all the progress reports provided to the ANPT to make a synthesis of the technical assistance mission.
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