Recent and ongoing projects
Support to government institutions in the energy sector for capacity development and integration of the gender perspective in activities implemented for the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
Client: International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies (FIIAPP)
Region / Country: Ecuador | Latin America & the Caribbean
Sectors: Energy
Services: Strategy, consulting & training
Client category: Cooperation agencies

Insuco was responsible for technical assistance in capacity building and the implementation of the criteria for integrating the gender dimension in the activities established in the energy sector of the NDC of Ecuador. To this end, a national diagnosis of the gender situation in the activities of the NDC implementation plan was carried out in the energy sector; the design and implementation of spaces for capacity building in gender integration with key actors from the leading ministries of the energy sector; and the identification of actions and recommendations for reducing gender gaps.
Insuco has provided the following services:
- Mapping of actors and information sources
- Analysis of secondary information and collection of primary information.
- Setting a baseline and gender analysis
- Simple network analysis
- Workshop on Capacity Building on Gender, Climate Change and Energy
- Workshop on integrating gender into climate change management in the energy sector
- Identification of actions aimed at reducing the gaps between men and women.
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