Recent and ongoing projects
Support for the reactivation and sustainability of the multi-stakeholder dialogue process for the Fruta del Norte mining project
Client: Lundin Gold
Region / Country: Ecuador | Latin America & the Caribbean
Sectors: Cooperation & development support | Mining
Client category: Private & public companies

In particular, following the collapse of the Los Encuentros bridge on 17 October 2020, alternatives were sought to channel and manage the many expectations that were expressed with little or no support from public institutions. The local government of Los Encuentros has set up 5 working tables to address the issues considered to be priorities by the parish communities. Il s’agit de : Employabilité, Recrutement local, Infrastructure et connectivité communautaires, Diversification productive, Protection de l’environnement. The transfer of the multiparty dialogue process was a real challenge in which Insuco was closely involved to ensure its success.
Following on from previous contracts, Insuco has implemented the following activities:
- Diagnosis of the social situation “Territory / COVID-19” and identification of the needs expressed by the communities with regard to the commitments made by the various players.
- Identifying opportunities to improve Insuco’s document management.
- Preparing the gradual resumption of dialogue with the various stakeholders and carrying out a survey on the virtual tools best suited to an effective resumption.
- Updating priorities and topics of interest to local players
- Identification of methodologies and virtual teaching methods
- Preparation of a roadmap and protocols for the resumption of the Mesas Temáticas (MT – thematic roundtables or multi-stakeholder dialogue forums)
- Assessment of the proposal to reorganise the TMs with key players in the region as a preliminary step to reactivating the dialogue in 2021
- Systematic and participative measurement of project results and impacts.
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