Recent and ongoing projects
Study on the evolution, prospects and management of waste from the glass industry in the Dominican Republic; Ministry of Industry, Commerce and SMEs (MICM); Dominican Republic.

The assignment consisted of researching the evolution of the glass industry in the Dominican Republic and analysing future prospects, through semi-structured interviews with key players at national level, obtaining primary information and relying on the collection of secondary information such as the documentary review of historical archives, studies, scientific articles, books, websites, national and local laws and regulations, public policies, inter-institutional agreements, signed contracts, among others.
The following activities were carried out:
● Design of research tools
● Stakeholder mapping
● General characterisation of glass
● Analysis of the glass sector worldwide and in Latin America
● Use of interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders
● Characterisation of the glass sector in the Dominican Republic
● Analysis of waste treatment and management in the glass sector
● Analysis of developments in the glass industry and future prospects
The following deliverables were handed over to the client:
● Preliminary study report
● Final schematic study report