Recent and ongoing projects
Socio-environmental technical assistance in the application of the Equator Principles and Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) during the construction and operation phase of Line 2 of the Lima and Callao Subway - Peru

The objective of the consultancy was to continue with the accompaniment and technical assistance to the ML2 concessionaire to ensure the alignment of the Project’s social and environmental management with international standards – in particular the Performance Standards and the Equator Principles of the International Finance Corporation; in the framework of the implementation of Line 2 of its Environmental and Social Action Plan: Governance and Management of meetings to follow up on Environmental and Social commitments. The following specific objectives were pursued: (i) Manage the different stakeholders involved in the governance meetings, identifying lessons learned and strengths for Project management; (ii) Define relevant recommendations for closing gaps and managing identified risks, considering each of the stakeholders involved and responsible for implementing the measures recommended in the Environmental and Social Report (ICAS – quarterly environmental and social compliance report); iii) Accompany, monitor and verify the updating or consolidation of management instruments and actions in accordance with the approved recommendations and approach defined together with Line 2; iv) Strengthen the capacities of the ML2 team with respect to international standards – IFC Performance Standards and Equator Principles; v) Facilitate alignment, feedback and follow-up meetings with stakeholders – financiers, Urban Transport Authority, construction companies, among others established as part of the Project.
The following deliverables were given to the client:
- Monthly activity report, meeting minutes, among others requested by the client.