Recent and ongoing projects
Social and environmental due diligence for the preparation of funding from the Legacy Landscape Fund (LLF) of Madidi National Park
Client : KfW

The Legacy Landscape Fund (LLF) is a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the KfW Development Bank (KfW), the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Campaign for Nature (CfN), the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). The overall objective of the LLF is to provide permanent funding for conservation activities within and in the buffer zones of legally recognized protected areas (PA) in globally significant biogeographical zones and landscapes of developing countries. This LLF goal is achieved through sustainable partnerships between experienced NGOs and PA authorities, as well as indigenous and local communities.
In this context, KfW requested Insuco’s services to conduct the environmental and social due diligence process in the Madidi Protected Area, Bolivia, on the environmental and social management of the park by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), among other risks that may be identified in the park.
The main objective of the mission was: To conduct an independent environmental and social due diligence of the management of Madidi PA in order to analyze the documentation, WCS’s environmental and social safeguards, and the stakeholder consultation process, in relation to applicable international standards.
The specific objectives of the mission were:
- Describe and assess the physical, biological, socio-economic and cultural context of the project;
- Identify and assess the potential risks and impacts that could result from the implementation of the social and environmental management of the Madidi Protected Area;
- Identify any gaps in compliance with applicable international social and environmental standards in terms of procedures and documentation of safeguards and assess the capacity to manage potential environmental and social risks identified by WCS;
- Define the risks that could result from existing environmental and social management gaps;
- Identify concrete and achievable actions, consistent with applicable international social and environmental standards, to address gaps, including mitigation and monitoring measures, as well as establish WCS staff responsibilities and implementation timelines;
- Promote smooth and strategic communication and coordination with KfW and other stakeholders involved in the project.
Insuco implemented the following activities:
- Coordination meetings with KfW and WCS for internal alignment and information request;
- Document review (international standards and relevant information on environmental and social management of the protected area);
- Identification of gaps in social and environmental management in relation to international standards;
- Field information gathering from key stakeholders in the area (indigenous communities, government authorities, local residents, etc.);
- Risks assessment;
- Action plan to address priority risks, taking into account WCS organizational capacity and resources;
- Development of the environmental and social due diligence report.
The following deliverables have been submitted to the client:
- Report on the results of the preliminary information review;
- Update of the work plan, modification of the terms of reference;
- Information gathering methodology and tools;
- Minutes of meetings with KfW and WCS;
- Environmental and social due diligence report, including risks assessment, gap analysis and gap management plan.
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