Recent and ongoing projects
Realization of the social component of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment study (ESIA) as part of the architectural programming and project management support mission for an urban infrastructure project
Client : Setec Organisation / AFD

The Small Business Support Project has been created in 2014 through an agreement signed between the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Chadian law association Bel Al Nadjah (BAN). The Projet is part of a three-fold objective: 1) to set up a sustainable support mechanism for the creation and development of economic activities, 2) to contribute to the dissemination of the entrepreneurial culture, and 3) to support entrepreneurs with business creation or development projects. The first phase of the project has notably led to the creation of a first Maison de la Petite Entreprise (MPE) which opened its doors in N’Djamena in 2016. In order to strengthen the creation and development of economic activities, the second phase of the Project envisages the creation of a new MPE in N’Djamena. This new headquarters will integrate the setting up of a number of services (documentation room, co-working spaces, etc.) and the central training activity. The identified site, with a surface area of 2,800 m², is located in the urban area of N’Djamena in the Paris-Congo district.
It is within this framework that Setec Organisation has been selected to carry out the Project’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and has mandated Insuco to carry out the social component of the ESIA as part of the architectural programming and project management support mission for an urban infrastructure project.
Insuco has submitted to the client the following deliverable:
A Social Impact Assessment report including:
- A non-technical summary;
- A description of the legal and regulatory framework;
- An initial state of the socio-economic context (Social Baseline Study);
- The potential social impacts and mitigation measures;
- A Social Management Plan;
- A budget for the implementation mitigation measures.
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