Recent and ongoing projects
Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) of the reform program of Land Transport and Urban Mobility in Dominican Republic
Client : French Development Agency (AFD)

The transport sector in the Dominican Republic faces multiple challenges, caused by a lack of regulation and coordination between the different institutions involved. In order to correct these dysfunctions, the Dominican government promulgated, in 2017, a new law (63-17) on Mobility, Land Transport, Traffic and Road Safety. This law provides for the merger of the six (6) existing institutions into a single operator, the National Institute of Traffic and Land Transport (INTRANT), under the Ministry of Public Works and Communication.
The importance of the environmental and social (E&S) risks generally attached to the transport sector explains the Dominican government’s approach in seeking support for the implementation of this reform program from international organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the French Development Agency (AFD) in the form of Policy-Based Loans (PBL).
In this context, Insuco has been commissioned by the AFD to carry out the Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) of the reform program Land Transport and Urban Mobility in Dominican Republic, as well as to participate in the capacity building of INTRANT’s teams.
Insuco provided the following services:
- Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment of the Transport and Urban Mobility Sector Reform;
- Institutional Capacity Building;
- Transversal technical support.
The following products have been delivered to the client:
- Scoping Report;
- Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment Report;
- Institutional Capacity Building Report and training material.
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