Recent and ongoing projects
Review of the application of social and environmental safeguards for REDD+ (Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) Early Movers (REM) (as part of the framework agreement with KfW)
Client: Development Bank of the Republic of Germany - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)
Region / Country: Ecuador | Latin America & the Caribbean
Sectors: Cooperation & development support
Client category: International organisations

The assignment was to carry out an analysis of secondary information on Ecuador’s REDD+ safeguards implementation system and the status of the REDD+ Early Movers (REM) Ecuador Program. This is in such a way that safeguards are identified at the level of direct investment/profit distribution projects of KfW and propose improvement actions.
The following deliverables were given to the client:
- Documentary vision and analysis of the country’s REDD+ safeguards implementation system and the status of the REM Ecuador Program and Direct investment safeguards/benefit-sharing projects
- Review report of social and environmental standards.
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