Recent and ongoing projects
Conducting urban and technical studies of the Layableh-Moustiquaire and Warableh II neighbourhoods in Djibouti as part of the Zero Slums Programme
Client : ARULoS

For nearly 20 years, the Djiboutian government has been engaged in a process of development and restructuring of informal neighbourhoods in Djibouti. The Balbala municipality is home to ten (10) of the thirteen (13) neighbourhoods targeted by the Zero Slums Programme (PZB), including the Layableh-Moustiquaire neighbourhood and a section of Warableh II.
This study is part of the Zero Slums Programme Strategy, whose action plan was developed in 2018. A restructuring and alignment study was completed in December 2020 for the Layableh-Moustiquaire neighbourhood, under the supervision of the Djiboutian Agency for Social Development (ADDS) and financed by the French Development Agency (AFD). This study provided a restructuring and alignment plan (without a comprehensive household census) and a detailed plan of priority investments. Following this, technical studies (preliminary design, detailed design, and tender documents) were carried out, and priority investments were identified.
To prepare for the restructuring of the entire 168-hectare informal area, encompassing Layableh-Moustiquaire and Warableh II, it is now necessary to develop urban studies for Warableh II (53 hectares), complete the urban studies for the Layableh-Moustiquaire neighbourhood (including a comprehensive household survey), and conduct technical studies (preliminary design, detailed design, and tender documents) for the restructuring of the entire 168-hectare area, excluding the investments for which technical studies have already been conducted on Layableh-Moustiquaire.
In this context, Insuco was commissioned to carry out household surveys aimed at documenting the socio-cultural and economic aspects of the affected households, as well as their access to urban services and local facilities. The baseline social survey consisted of creating a “snapshot” of the socio-economic characteristics of the study area, on which impacts can be measured.
Insuco also conducted the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Warableh II neighbourhood as part of the tender documentation (DAO).
Insuco provided the following services:
• A comprehensive census of the 5,200 households living in the two neighbourhoods;
• A socio-economic survey (social assessment);
• A socio-economic diagnosis of both neighbourhoods;
• A summary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
The following deliverables were provided by the Insuco / Agence Perspective consortium:
• A scoping report;
• An urban and socio-economic diagnosis of the Layableh-Moustiquaire neighbourhood;
• An urban and socio-economic diagnosis of the Warableh II neighbourhood;
• The Detailed Restructuring and Alignment Plan (PDRA), the Priority Investment Plan (PIP), and the Project Implementation and Management Plan;
• The ESIA for the Warableh II neighbourhood;
• The preliminary, detailed, and tender documentation (APS, APD, and DAO) for the roads and utilities (VRD) and community facilities.
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