Recent and ongoing projects
Preparation of the IFS 2023 Sustainability Report according to international sustainability standards GRI Universal, SASB and TCFD, Global Compact, ESG criteria and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Client: EPM Guatemala (Empresas Públicas de Medellín)

The main objective of the project was to design an information capture strategy to structure the sustainability report of EPM Guatemala and its five (5) subsidiaries, within the framework of the management carried out in 2023, in light of international sustainability standards such as GRI, SASB and TCFD, cutting-edge ESG criteria and its contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Insuco has supplied the following products:
- Diagnosis of gaps in the 2023 Sustainable Development Report in relation to the GRI methodology and other standards used in order to strengthen reporting and, in general, the accountability process.
- Benchmarking the electricity sector: proposals for improvement to be included in the 2023 sustainability report.
- Table of contents GRI and other reporting standards related to the materiality of the EPM Guatemala.
- Information Capture Tool – Training and Awareness Report
- Corporate Governance Interview Report and Core Thread for the First Draft.
- First version of the sustainable development report
- Identification and dialogue with priority stakeholders and validation of material issues.
- Proposal of two graphic designs for the sustainable development report
- Design and layout of the final sustainability report (including the GRI indicators table and other standards (interactive PDF version))
- Summary (no more than 20 pages) of ICPE 2023
- Stakeholder communication plan and strategy for the socialization and dissemination of the results of the 2023 sustainability report.
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