Recent and ongoing projects
Diagnostic study and public policy recommendations (logical framework, public policy matrix, technical cooperation program) on the protection and sustainable management of marine-coastal ecosystems

The French Development Agency (AFD), at the request of the Ecuadorian government, is working on the formulation of a new public policy program on the sustainable management of marine and coastal areas in partnership with MAATE and VAP. The program includes budgetary financing of $100 million, linked to a public policy matrix containing objectives and indicators to be completed, and a technical cooperation program financed by AFD with non-reimbursable funds to support the implementation of activities that contribute to achieving the objectives established in the public policy matrix.
The objective of the study for Insuco is to support AFD in formulating public policy recommendations and identifying priorities for the protection and sustainable management of marine and coastal areas. To this end, an analysis of the institutional, regulatory and strategic framework of the marine conservation, fisheries and aquaculture subsectors in Ecuador was provided, as well as a mapping of key actors, the identification of priorities, challenges and bottlenecks in the implementation of public policies and a proposal for a first version of the logical framework, the public policy matrix and the proposal of activities for a technical cooperation program.
Insuco delivered the following products:
- Analysis of the oceans and coastal areas sector in Ecuador
- Analysis of secondary information
- Mapping of key players
- Primary information collection (qualitative interviews – semi-structured)
- Simple network analysis
- Identifying opportunities and priorities for political action to protect the ocean
- Logical context
- Public policy matrix
- Formulation of the content of the technical assistance program