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Need assessment of the local structures supported and process of consolidating their capacities within the framework of the Vil Nou Pi Bèl project implemented by Care Haiti and the URD group
Client : Care Haiti and the groupe URD, funded by European Union (Urbayiti)

Mission :
Care Haiti and group URD carried out the Vil Nou Pi Bél project in Jérémie, between 2019 and 2022, which included a capacity building process for Community-Based Organizations (OCB), Persons with disabilities’ Organizations (OPH) and networks of CBOs as well as the Association of Mayors of Grand’Anse (AMAGA). As the end of the project was approaching, Care Haiti identified the importance of conducting an overview of this capacity-building process, through a diagnosis of skills acquired and a need assessment of the organizations supported by the project. Also, the objective was set to propose recommendations to continue the process of capacity-building with these structures. Insuco Haiti was mandated to carry out this need assessment with the various organizations supported by the Care Haiti project.
Résultat :
The following deliverables were given to the client:
- Scoping report;
- Need assessment of the organizations;
- Detailed training / mentoring action plan