Recent and ongoing projects
Elaboration of the Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) of the Kouroussa Gold Mining Project
Client : Kouroussa Gold Mine S.A.

The Kouroussa Gold Project is located in the Siguiri Basin in the Kouroussa Prefecture of the Kankan Region of the Republic of Guinea. It is owned by HummingBird Resources, a gold mining company, through its subsidiary Kouroussa Gold Mine S.A.
An ESIA has been conducted by Insuco and TEC / Fairfields Consulting to comply with Guinean law and to obtain the environmental permit issued by the Ministry of the Environment.
Today, HummingBird Resources has two permits for the project, previously granted as mining permits by the Guinean government, which have reverted to prospecting permits but will be reinstated as mining permits subject to the government’s approval of an updated mining development plan.
To obtain these mining permits, Insuco has been mandated to develop and implement a Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) with the objective of supporting Project Affected Populations (PAP) in compliance with Guinean law and international social standards.
Insuco provided the following services:
- Review of available documentation;
- Development of collection tools;
- Collection of quantitative data from PAP (socio-economic survey and land inventories);
- Conducting additional qualitative interviews;
- Data processing and analysis;
- Identification of livelihood restoration measures and activities;
- Writing the deliverable;
- Restitution of results.
Insuco submitted:
- A Livelihoods Restoration Plan (LRP), including: (i) the analysis of the socio-economic situation of the PAP; (ii) the eligibility matrix and price matrix; (iii) a compensation matrix; (iv) identification of the types of projects to be developed; (v) identification of local structures capable of implementing these projects.
- A database containing the socio-economic data of the affected people.
- A stakeholder consultation plan to develop the stakeholder engagement strategy for the LRP.
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