Recent and ongoing projects
Integrated Management Service, Social Strategies, Participation and Technical Monitoring for the Andaki Hydroelectric Project (160 MW) including the implementation of social plans: Stakeholder Participation Plan (PPPI), Complaints System (PQRS), Safety Plan, Work Management and Asset Acquisition Plan, Compensation for Land Use, Risk Monitoring and Analysis (OS3). Electricité de France (EDF)

Provide specialized services to ensure rigorous compliance with current national regulations, contributing to the sustainability of the Andaki hydroelectric project in the department of Caquetá. The methodology focused on implementing intervention and community participation processes that respected and safeguarded the rights of communities, aligning and integrating international best practices in the field of development of similar projects. This consultation resulted in the implementation of binding social practices, particularly in the areas of communication, information, consultation and concertation.
The 9 lines of work that emerged in the Relationship Plan and guided the activities during the implementation of the project were: (i) Stakeholder Participation Plan; (ii) Procedure for Handling Requests, Complaints and Claims; (iii) Communication Plan; (iv) Procedure for Recruitment of Manpower; (v) Procedure for Acquisition of Goods and Services; (vi) Procedure for Identification and Management of Risks and Impacts; (vii) Procedure for Compensation for the Use of Land; (viii) Security Plan; (ix) Procedure for Monitoring and Management of the project. The formulation and implementation of these lines have made it possible to obtain the “social license”, essential for the acceptance and long-term sustainability of the projects.