Recent and ongoing projects
Support for Colombian Natural Resources (CNR) in the individual resettlement process for the El Hatillo Phase 2 community, as part of a mining project in line with International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 5 (resettlement).

The main objective of the consultancy carried out by Insuco in phase 1 (2022) was to support the mining company Colombian Natural Resources (CNR) located in the department of Cesar, municipality of El Paso, in the implementation of individual resettlement obligations, based on the universe of 207 social units in the community of El Hatillo, by the provisions of the national authority, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 5 (resettlement) and the applicable case law.
Given the above, the CNR has once again requested Insuco’s services to provide ongoing support for the implementation and development of the actions and methodologies of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the projects whose operation has been entrusted to the CNR under the individual resettlement modality, in the plan for the full restoration of the living conditions of the community of El Hatillo in the department of El Cesar, in accordance with the provisions of international standards, national regulations and case law in force.
Insuco was responsible for: (i) collect and review historical information on the resettlement process of the 197 families as at 22 May 2023; (ii) define the strategy for implementing CNR’s obligations; (iii) to inform the 197 families in El Hatillo who have opted for individual resettlement of the CNR’s obligations; (iv) prepare documents for each of the 197 El Hatillo families who opted for the individual resettlement option; (iv) Preparation of documents for each of the 197 families; (v) Review and update of the files of families classified as non-residents and generation of a report with strategy and recommendations to the CNR; (vi) Receipt and management of PQRSs submitted by families ; (vii) Fulfilment of CNR’s obligations in relation to the Livelihood Restoration Plan (PRMV) : (ix) Support for the social and cultural networks programme ; (x) Design of monitoring and evaluation indicators ; (xi) Provision of monthly progress reports for the corresponding month.