Recent and ongoing projects
Support to the Municipality of Addis Ababa and its delegated project owner, Addis Ababa City Roads Authority (AACRA), for the implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) within the framework of the construction of line 2 of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network - Ethiopia

As part of the construction of line 2 of the future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network serving the city of Addis Ababa, it is necessary to free up land for the construction of the line. This project is located in an urban area: the PAR is linear (more than 15km) and in an urban environment. A first PAR was carried out in 2019. AFD mandated Insuco to update the PAR: inventory of what has been done (People Affected by the Project compensated), what remains to be done, and updating the PAR with the missing PAPs. The overall objective of this mission was to update the Resettlement Action Plan for people who will be physically and economically displaced by the project, in accordance with the applicable national and international framework.
Insuco has provided the following services:
- Carry out a census of people affected by the project (PAP) who have been compensated, those to be compensated, and new PAPs;
- Conduct surveys among PAPs affected physically and economically in order to characterize the socio-demographic and economic situation of each PAP;
- Produce a note on the compensation assessment methodology;
- Develop a Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRRP) as well as a roadmap for its effective implementation and the modalities for its monitoring and evaluation;
- Propose a simplified stakeholder engagement plan including a grievance management procedure;
- Train national investigators and experts in data collection, PAP surveys and PRMS;
- Establish the Terms of Reference for training in basic and advanced business skills for project-affected and eligible persons.