Recent and ongoing projects
Formulation of the Resettlement Action Plan (PAR) agreed with the community of Santa Cecilia within the framework of the Cascabel mining project.

During 2020, Insuco developed the resettlement framework for the community of Santa Cecilia. The mission involved the formulation of the consensual resettlement action plan, which integrates the dialogue and consultation process (collective participatory mechanism), the socio-economic census and inventory of assets, the complaints and claims mechanism (PQRS) and assistance to vulnerable groups, the definition of the physical and economic impacts of displacement, the collective consensus on the compensation framework and the livelihood restoration plan. In addition, the definition of the resettlement site, the design of the housing and the conceptual study of the new installation site were carried out.
The following results were provided to the client:
- Inventory databases of assets and people affected by the project
- A socio-economic report
- Definition of resettlement impacts and risks.
- Compensation framework
- Design of compensation housing within the framework of collective resettlement.
- Design of community infrastructure in the context of collective resettlement.
- Selection of the resettlement site.
- Livelihood Restoration Plan.