Recent and ongoing projects
Etude de faisabilité pour le renforcement de la desserte ferroviaire de la zone urbaine de Conakry
Client : Setec International, on behalf of the French Development Agency (AFD)

The Conakry metropolitan area has a low-capacity mass transit system, which includes a limited rail service provided by the Conakry Express, operated by the Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer de Guinée (SNCFG). Within the framework of the EU-funded Transport Sector Support Project (PAST), an Urban Travel Plan was elaborated in 2019, taking into account the development of urban rail transport. Setec was selected to carry out the feasibility studies for the reinforcement of this rail service. In this context, Insuco oversaw identifying the social impacts of the different scenarios studied on the populations close to the railways in terms of:
- Involuntary displacements;
- Movement of people and goods;
- Nuisances linked to noise, vibrations and pollution;
- Safety;
- Cultural heritage;
- Local governance and territorial organisation.
The gender dimension has been integrated to the impact analysis.
Insuco has submitted the following deliverables to the client:
- A preliminary gender impact report and a preliminary report on the impact on gender and on the populations near the railway tracks
- An in-depth impact assessment report
- Terms of Reference for the implementation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, an Environmental and Social Management Plan and a Resettlement Policy Framework.
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