Recent and ongoing projects
Feasibility Study for a REDD+ Carbon Reduction and Removal Project in Cambodia, including the preparation of a Project Idea Note (PIN) and Project Design Document (PDD) for the PLANVIVO Standard - Cambodia

Across twelve countries, UNDP are implementing the Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans (SCALA) programme. The SCALA Programme supports government ministries and related stakeholders to improve climate change mitigation and adaptation programming, with a focus on land use and agriculture. Currently in its second phase (2022-2026), the SCALA project aims to bring about transformative change through the following interventions:
· Improve livestock waste management, primarily through the promotion of biogas production.
· Support sustainable, deforestation-free business models.
· Pilot carbon offset credits for REDD+ projects.
Insuco is mandated to assess the feasibility of implementing the PLAN-VIVO carbon standard in Cambodia, specifically in relation to Sasar Sdam commune in Puok District, Siem Reap Province. PLAN-VIVO is one of the largest carbon standards focusing specifically on smallholder and community forest projects, combining emissions reduction with localised social, economic, and environmental benefits. Sasar Sdam commune is located to the north of the Tonle Sap and consists of several villages mostly reliant on agriculture (rice production) to sustain their livelihoods.
To complete the study, Insuco is partnering with E Co Ltd, specialists in the design of low-carbon, climate-resilient projects.
Insuco provided the following deliverables:
- An Inception Report
- A Feasibility Report
- A Project Idea Note (PIN)
- A Project Design Document (PDD)