Recent and ongoing projects
Scoping report, Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), Social baseline and social impact assessment for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) for water supply alternatives for the Tulu Moye Geothermal Project
Client : STANTEC

Tulu Moye Geothermal Operation (TMGO) is a geothermal project located between Lake Koka and Lake Ziway in the Hitosa district of Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia. An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment has been undertaken and it has become apparent to TMGO that insufficient groundwater were available near the project site. Following further investigation of water resource availability for the project, two options were being considered for the Phase 1 water supply, namely groundwater from the Eastern Escarpment (Option A) or abstraction from Lake Koka (Option B). Insuco was mandated to realize the scoping study, the social impact assessment and the stakeholder engagement plan which intended to help TMGO understand the E&S constraints and opportunities associated with the provision of a robust and sufficient water-supply to the Project.
Insuco provided a scoping report, a social impact assessment and a stakeholder engagement plan.
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