Recent and ongoing projects
Completion of the Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) and the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the creation of a quarry as part of the construction of the Satama-Sokoura-Sandegue road
Client : Razel Bec
Region / Country: Africa | Ivory Coast
Sectors: Infrastructure
Services: Studies
Client category: Private & public companies

Within the framework of the Satam – Sokoura – Sandegue road project, the Insuco-SGS Côte d’Ivoire SA Group was asked to carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the creation of the quarry necessary for the construction of the road, in accordance with the Ivorian regulations in force and the IFC’s performance standards.
The specific objectives were as follows:
- Identification and consultation of all project stakeholders;
- Identification and analysis of environmental and social impacts;
- Proposal of mitigation measures for negative impacts and enhancement measures for positive impacts;
- Proposal of an implementation strategy for the measures through a social and environmental management plan (ESMP);
- Brief presentation of specific plans to be implemented;
- Provide the client with a database to manage information on each PAP;
- Conduct a census of PAPs and household surveys to characterize the socio-demographic and economic situation of each PAP (household size and composition, languages, ethnicity, main economic activities, description of living conditions, identification of vulnerable groups…);
- Conduct a detailed inventory of property and assets affected by the project;
- Assess the type of resettlement for each PAP (compensation and/or physical resettlement) according to the eligibility matrix and the price matrix;
- Determine the overall resettlement budget based on all resettlement types;
- Present the different compensation options to the PAPs and initiate negotiations to define the compensation;
- Prepare agreements to be signed by the PAPs and the client.
The consortium provided the following services and deliverables:
- An ESIA in accordance with the TORs validated by ANDE;
- The database of inventories and socio-economic data;
- The PAP compensation agreements;
- The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) report.
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