Recent and ongoing projects
Elaboration of the Lokoa RAP for Tractebel – Guinea
Client : Tractebel

Tractebel is a subsidiary of the Engie group, specialised in the energy infrastructure sector, and has been selected by the French Development Agency (AFD) to carry out feasibility studies and environmental and social impact assessment of the Lokoa dam on the Loffa River in Forest Guinea. In this context, Tractebel mandated Insuco to implement the social components related to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and to design a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).
Insuco has therefore developed the RAP in accordance with international standards. To this end, our experts conducted socio-economic surveys in the impacted area, identified all the properties of future physically displaced persons and infrastructure, identified relocation sites, established a price and eligibility matrix, produced an estimated budget and timetable for the implementation of the RAP, as well as provided a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the RAP.
A photo-interpretation of land occupation and an identification of resource areas completed this analysis.
The following deliverables have been provided to the client:
A socio-economic and inventory database on the people affected by the project.
A Resettlement Action Plan including:
- A non-technical summary;
- A description of the project;
- A legal and institutional framework;
- An identification of the physically displaced;
- A comprehensive inventory of the assets of the physically displaced and of the infrastructure;
- A non-exhaustive identification of the economically displaced;
- An eligibility matrix;
- A price matrix;
- A proposal for relocation sites taking into account host populations;
- Public consultations and stakeholders’ engagement on relocation issues;
- Livelihood restoration measures;
- An estimated budget and timetable for the implementation of the RAP;
- A monitoring and evaluation system.
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