Recent and ongoing projects
Elaboration and implementation of the Livelihood Restoration Plan in the framework of the Quebradona Copper Mining Project
Client : Anglo Gold Ashanti

The main objective of the consultancy carried out by Insuco is the following: to formulate, design and implement processes for livelihood restoration of approximately 15 families settled in the Cauca region, in the department of Antioquia, in the municipality of Jericó, so that the impacts of the Quebradona Copper Mining Project may generate in their living conditions can be managed in an integrated manner.
The first phase of the consultancy consisted of 4 axes:
• Context and diagnosis of the livelihood conditions in the mining project area (including, among others, the review of the available information shared by the client, the review of the national and international regulatory framework applicable and the collection of data in the field);
• Compensation framework and mitigation measures for restoration of livelihoods (including, but not limited to, design of compensation framework and formulation of mitigation measures for restoration of livelihoods, analysis of potential impacts and risks, and proposition of eligibility criteria);
• Agreement of the compensation framework and mitigation measures for the restoration of livelihoods, with affected households, and their documentation;
• Definition of a comprehensive program to support the restoration of livelihoods, and its socialization.
After the implementation of this first phase, a contract extension was signed between Insuco and Anglo Gold Ashanti for the execution of the following additional activities:
• Formulation and agreement of the Livelihood Restoration Plan of 2 non-resident social units, linked to the properties of purchase interest by the Quebradona Copper Mining Project;
• Implementation of the Livelihood Restoration Plan of the 15 social units (i.e. the 13 social units agreed in the first phase and the 2 non-resident social units).
The following deliverables were provided to the client:
- Weekly reports;
- Monthly reports;
- Households’ visits reports;
- Detailed workplan;
- The diagnostic report of the area and households;
- Vulnerability analysis of the households;
- he compensation and mitigation measures framework;
- The integral accompaniment plan;
- Documentation of the consultation process with the households;
- Livelihood Restoration Plan.
Phase 2:
- Formulation and agreement of the Livelihood Restoration Plan of 2 non-resident social units, linked to the properties of purchase interest by the Quebradona Copper Mining Project ( Weekly reports; Monthly reports; Diagnostic document of the social units with the respective supports; Compensation and mitigation framework document; Document with approach of the Integral Accompaniment Plan; Documentation of the individual consultation process with the social units with respective minutes and supports.)
- Implementation of the Livelihood Restoration Plan of the 15 social units (i.e. the 13 social units agreed in the first phase and the 2 non-resident social units) (Weekly reports; Monthly reports; Work plan and formats validated by the MCQ team; Minutes of compensation delivery with administrative support; Accompanying visit report; Follow-up and monitoring report.)
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