Recent and ongoing projects
Social land diagnosis and participative land-use planning for the REDD+ policy in 32 municipalities for the Forestry Investment Program
Client : Forestry Investment Program – FIP (Ministry of Environment, World Bank)

In the context of its REDD + policy, Burkina Faso finances territorial projects aimed at reducing pressure on natural resources and particularly on trees. These projects must be integrated into municipal strategic documents: master plans, development plans, land-use plans, etc. Insuco’s mission was to define and implement a participatory method of diagnosis and land-use planning.
In collaboration with CIRAD, Insuco defined a method based on the TerriStories® approach (a game designed by Patrick D’Aquino, CIRAD) that allowed the implementation of a land diagnosis and the definition of a land-use plan for each municipality. Insuco delivered a report for each of the 32 municipalities involved, containing maps and notices, as well as a roadmap in order to implement the land-use plans and secure the related facilities.
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