Recent and ongoing projects
Drafting of Livelihood Restoration Plans – Extension of mining activities in the contingency blocks (Bouroré 1a, 1b and Parawi 2a), the N’Dangara, Parawi and Kagneka plateau and the construction of the Kagneka transport road
Client : Compagnie des Bauxites of Guinea

Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée (CBG) is a Guinean company working in the extractive sector. Since the early 1960s it has been exploiting a large bauxite plateau in the Boké region, near Sangaredi and Kamsar, in the North Wester of the Republic of Guinea. Since 2014, the company has launched an expansion project to increase its production capacity.
In this context of expansion, CBG plans to operate contingency blocks, bauxite plateau areas and to build a road to link Kagneka plateau to the mineral storage and loading areas of N’Dangara and Parawi. These operations will have social impacts and economic displacements for the inhabitants.
In this context of expanding activities, PAPs were identified, and property inventories were carried out by CBG. Insuco has been mandated to develop Livelihoods Restoration Plans (LRPs) for these areas with the objective of supporting the Project Affected Populations (PAPs) in restoring their livelihoods.
Insuco provided the following services:
- Review of available literacy;
- Development of collection tools;
- Collection of quantitative data from PAP;
- Conducting additional qualitative interviews;
- Identification of vulnerable individuals and households;
- Identification of livelihood restoration measures and activities;
- Writing the deliverable;
- Reporting of results.
Insuco has submitted:
- A preliminary assessment of the impacts on livelihoods in the contingency blocks;
- A Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) for the contingency block area;
- A Livelihood Restoration Plan (LRP) for the N’dangara, Parawi and Kagneka zones;
- A database containing the socio-economic data of the PAP;
- A stakeholder engagement strategy;
- A Livelihood Restoration Strategy, directly in the LRP;
- A LRP monitoring and evaluation plan;
- An implementation plan.
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