Recent and ongoing projects

Development of the Islamic Development Bank Environmental & Social Priority Standards and Related Specific Templates - Saudi Arabia

Client: Islamic Development Bank


The IsDB aims to develop its own Environmental and Social Standards (ESS), align with those of the IsDB’s comparators such as the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the World Bank (WB), together with their set of Objectives and Scope of application; Requirements; Specific templates; and Check list.
Insuco has been mandated by IsDB to develop the E&S priority standards of the Islamic Development Bank and their associated sets.


Insuco has delivered the following deliverables:

  • IsDB Standard 1: “Risk screening, categorisation and E&S assessments” and its associated supporting documents
  • IsDB Standard 10: “Stakeholder engagement and disclosure of information” and its associated supportimg documents
  • The framework of the 8 other standards

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