Recent and ongoing projects
Development of the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the Support for Decentralisation and Local Initiatives Project – Phase II (ADIL 2) in Djibouti

The first phase of the Support for Decentralisation and Local Initiatives Project in the Republic of Djibouti (ADIL) (2020-2024) aimed to implement activities to promote decentralisation, strengthen governance, and support local development. ADIL 2 follows on from ADIL 1, which notably led to the development of around 70 localised activities (sub-projects) benefiting the populations in five regions. The mission’s objective was to develop, on behalf of the AFD, an Environmental and Social Management Framework to outline guidelines for deploying sub-projects, including identifying sub-projects at risk. The aim is to minimise the potential environmental and social impacts of these sub-projects while striving to maximise their benefits for local populations and the environment.
Insuco has provided the following services:
- Scoping meeting
- Document review and gap analysis: Baseline assessment, institutional framework, legislative and regulatory framework of the study, donor policies and guidelines, gap analysis.
- Stakeholder identification
- Pre-identification of E&S risks
- Development of data collection tools: Individual interview guide, field visit screening form
- Scoping report
- Meetings with local and national stakeholders (20 interviews)
- Site visits: completed projects, pre-identified sites
- Project impact identification and assessment
- Definition of additional studies to be conducted and development of a standard Terms of Reference (ToR) for conducting E&S studies
- An Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
Insuco provided the following deliverables:
- A meeting minutes report from the kickoff meeting
- A mission scoping report
- A draft ESMF report
- A final ESMF report
- A standard Terms of Reference (ToR) for conducting E&S studies