Recent and ongoing projects
Development of a participatory diagnostic study and writing of action, communication and awareness plans on the implementation of the national law on refugees within the framework of the integrated slum upgrading project
Client : ARULoS

The Republic of Djibouti, since its accession to independence on June 27, 1977, has continued to welcome refugees on its territory and therefore has a long tradition of managing people seeking international protection. To date, the country has hosted more than 30,000 refugees in the capital and in the Ali-Addeh and Holl-Holl1 camps. The refugee populations are mainly made up of Somalis, Ethiopians, Yemenis and Eritreans who fled the conflicts present in their country of origin.
This tradition of welcoming is now reflected in a situation of “protracted refugee crisis”. Indeed, these populations are generally confronted with living conditions characterized by difficult access to health, education, basic services and other means that can enable them to fully access empowerment and life self-sufficiency.
The year 2017 brought hope with the promulgation of the National Law on the status of refugees (LNR). Article 14 of the LNR in particular mentions that refugees and asylum seekers residing in the Republic of Djibouti benefit from the fundamental rights set out in Chapters II, III, IV and V of the Geneva Convention relating to refugees of 28 July 1951.
However, due to a lack of funding and the many institutional actors involved in the LNR, this legal instrument encounters certain difficulties in its implementation. For this reason, the Government of Djibouti wishes today to draw up a diagnosis of the application of the LNR, both at the institutional and operational levels, in order to propose solutions aimed at facilitating the access of refugees to the services to which they are entitled.
The following deliverables were produced:
- a diagnostic report with a complete analysis of sectoral weaknesses related to law enforcement
- a report of the diagnosis sharing workshops and recommendations
- Action, communication and awareness-raising plans in 5 priority sectors: entrepreneurship, banking, access to health and basic social services, access to education and access to property, as well as a transversal action plan.
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