Recent and ongoing projects
Conducting a socio-economic monitoring – Burkina Faso
Client : Hommes et Terre

As part of a continuous improvement approach and to ensure the success and the anchorage of its projects, Hommes et Terre (H&T) wanted to supplement the forestry monitoring carried out in September 2020 with socio-economic monitoring. The forestry monitoring surveys were carried out in some villages in several regions of Burkina Faso, namely the Sahel, the Central Plateau and the Centre-Nord, where H&T intervenes.
The main objective of the mission was to provide technical support to Hommes et Terre to carry out socio-economic monitoring in order to evaluate:
– The representation and understanding of the actions of Homme et Terre, especially on the importance of the forest,
– The concrete socio-economic impacts of the project on two levels: (1) at the level of municipalities and villages and (2) at the level of households with a particular focus on women.
4 questionnaires were administered to 4 different target populations:
- A sheet dedicated to a municipal representative of each village;
- A sheet dedicated to a representative of the village unit of each village;
- A sheet dedicated to the household head of a household sample among the villages of the sites 19-20 ;
- A so-called “individual” sheet dedicated to a sample of women among the villages of the sites 19-20.
Specifically, Insuco was responsible for:
- Provide support for the construction of methodological and data collection tools;
- Train the teams of interviewers on the data collection tools;
- Monitoring the implementation of the remote survey;
- Program the questionnaire and process the data using the ONA/ODK electronic tool.
Insuco provided the following deliverables:
- H&T reviewed and validated tools;
- Excel database of collected data;
- The data processed according to H&T’s needs;
- A protocol for establishing the socio-economic baseline of villages 20-21.
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