Recent and ongoing projects
Conducting a preliminary ESIA for a wind power project in the Marsabit region for Sofreco
Client : Sofreco

Kenya Electricity Generating Company PLC (KenGen), is Kenya’s leading electricity generator. Its expansion strategy is mainly based on renewable energies, including wind power. Within this framework, AFD and KenGen mandated insuco to carry out a feasibility study for the development of wind power at the Marsabit site. Phase I was based on the phased installation of the estimated 1,000 MW wind potential in the region, including the recommended size for subsequent phases and the updating of their respective grids taking into account electricity demand/supply forecasts and planned/future developments. Phase II will confirm the previously determined implementation phases and investigate the feasibility of Phase 1 of the wind farm development.
The following deliverables were handed over to the client:
- Comparative analyses
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