Recent and ongoing projects
Development of the comprehensive environmental management plan of Geopark
Client : Geopark
Region / Country: Colombia | Latin America & the Caribbean
Sectors: Oil & gas
Client category: Private & public companies

GEOPARK is a leading independent Latin American oil and gas explorer, operator and consolidator with assets and growth platforms in Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador. The latter mandated Insuco to prepare its environmental management plan (legal, socio-cultural, economic, political, etc.).
Within this framework, Insuco implemented the following activities:
- Review of the information available within the company: internal policies, standards in force, activities of the different departments of the company;
- Field visit: focus groups with the key actors concerned by the implementation of the plan – company employees in the areas of intervention, local suppliers and community leaders;
- Systematization: the information gathered during the previous stages was organized and analyzed, with the aim of establishing a complete diagnosis of the company’s current management of its environment, from an internal and external point of view and elaborate the technical and conceptual structure of the future management plan;
- Identification of gaps in the information available and the processes currently in place, and of measures to be put in place to fill these gaps;
- Elaboration of the management plan, its objectives, variables, actions, expected results, indicators and outputs. A synthetic version of the plan has also been developed, as well as a presentation including various infographics to allow a wider dissemination and understanding of the plan (internally and externally);
- Capacity building of Geopark’s teams on the topic of enterprise environmental management;
- Development of the monitoring and evaluation protocol for the plan, in collaboration with the Geopark’s teams: objectives, variables, indicators (their definition, source, collecting periodicity, analysis guide), internal and external spaces for feedback and collective analysis of the monitoring results that should allow for a better capitalization of good practices and lessons learned.
The following deliverables were provided to the client:
- Report presenting and analyzing the information collected from the company as well as in the field;
- Monitoring and evaluation protocol;
- Plan for the integral management of the company’s environment.
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