Recent and ongoing projects
Workshop: Gender Equity and Equality for the HVAC/R and Thermal Energy Sector

Insuco organized a workshop on gender equality and equity, which was attended by about 60 industry representatives (entrepreneurs and professionals from the HVAC/R and thermal districts).
This training provided gender awareness, in which people were able to understand key concepts, understand at the organizational level the gender inequalities affecting women and men, evaluate the organizational development process with a gender approach and generate proposals to further activate their gender equality agendas in the companies in which they work.
The methodology of this space was developed in two stages: The first aimed to understand, at a social and very everyday level, how gender equality is perceived, clarify key concepts and the role of men in this process (new masculinities). The second stage focused on the organizational level and helped to understand the reality of women in the sector and the benefits of initiating gender equality actions in companies.
To comply with the objectives, Insuco implemented the following activities:
- Invitation to representatives of the sector (businessmen and professionals of the thermal districts and HVAC/R project).
- Workshop methodology design and planning
- Workshop implementation
- Preparation of reports on the training process