Exploratory research on coastal migration in Madagascar

For island countries such as Madagascar, taking into account internal migration, including coastal migration, is a major challenge for communities and other managers of marine and coastal resources.
In the framework of the establishment of the internal migration observatory in Madagascar supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM – UN Migración), INSUCO is currently conducting a multidisciplinary exploratory research on migration in the coastal zone in the Menabe region. The objective is to know the evolution of the phenomenon over time, the dynamics of the impacts on the management of coastal resources and the impacts on local governance and social cohesion.
At the end of this study, a preliminary scientific document will be prepared to stimulate discussions and better take into account the migration dimension in local strategies for coastal resource management.
Study implemented by the INSUCO office in Madagascar (Anaïs Trousselle, Marie-Josée Dijoux and LEVREL Adrian Robin).