Carbon capture

To end the year 2021, in the month of December, Guillén Calvo regional director of Insuco Latin America and Caribbean, accompanied by the technical team of the Ecuador office, toured some initiatives in the littoral region on agroforestry experiences associated with carbon management with a sustainable social development look.
Thanks to the commendable work of UNOCASE, we were able to visit their experimental farms located in Milagro and Mocache, allowing us to see the organic production models they use, especially cocoa, as well as to learn about their pilot experiences with agroforestry and carbon capture models, which allows them to add greater value to peasant enterprises.
The most encouraging result obtained by UNOCASE in these experiences is the generation of its own knowledge to plan the progressive replication of the process in the different provinces of Ecuador, where its partners are located; the most encouraging is to have found the point of economic sustainability, integrating aspects such as: better product and yield, diversification of production for consumption and family economy, active participation of women, technical assistance and support as well as real practices of environmental and soil care, complementing their business models with carbon sequestration.
These integral models, beyond the benefits to consumers of organic products and to the ecosystems where this production takes place, there is also the social aspect, finding the economic sustainability and culture/identity of the farmer and their communities.
As Insuco, we consider it important to disseminate these innovative and proactive experiences, which from a social understanding promote local development, adding the great concerns that the world has, such as climate change through carbon sequestration.
Our goal is to promote these initiatives from a territorial and governance approach for sustainable development.