Recent and ongoing projects
Human Rights audit of DP World Callao’s prioritized supplier chain
Client :DP World Callao / Logistics services
Region / Country: Latin America & the Caribbean | Peru
Sectors: Infrastructure
Services: Studies
Client category: Private & public companies

Insuco has assessed compliance with the management system or business practices in respect of human rights, social issues and ethics established in its contracting companies and has verified their effective maintenance in order to identify: (i) HR compliance level and gap analysis; (ii) potential risks that could result from non-compliance/lack of alignment with HR standards in social or environmental terms.
The following deliverables were provided:
- Phase 1: Alignment and Methodological Design
- Alignment meeting
- Documentary review
- Elaboration of work plan and consultancy schedule
- Methodological design
- Dimensions of analysis and structure of the evaluation
- Data collection tools
- Data collection strategy
Phase 2: Information gathering
- Virtual kick-off meeting
- Primary data collection
- Self-assessment
- 2 virtual meetings (gap closure plan and closure meeting)
- Systematization of information
Phase 3: Analysis and recommendations
- Desk work
- Presentation meeting and joint analysis
- Preparation of final and executive report
- Executive presentation
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